The New Year is a great time for reflecting and starting over. We get a clean slate. A new beginning. It's also a time to take a stroll down memory lane. And for some of us it’s a time to make changes for the next year to come. 2014 was a great year for me but I’m excited to get 2015 going. Here were some epic Yankees Hat moments and memories from 2014...
The first part of 2014 was pretty amazing. The Yankees Hat was found upon my head every morning at 6:30am when I would go to my brother’s house to help take care of his newborn son. My Nephew, Christian Aaron Varga was born on December 9th, 2013 so it made 2014 very exciting.
After he was born, my sister in law Amy, was dealing with some health issues and my brother had to go back to work, so for the first few months of 2014, my Mother and I took 24 hour shifts helping my brother and his wife with the baby. It was a blessing but also exhausting. I don't have kids of my own so this was quite an experience. I have never felt so much love in my heart for a human being as I did for my nephew. I can only imagine if I had my own. To all the parents out there - I tip my Yankees Hat to you! This little boy is the light of my life and of course...he’s a Yankees fan!

What a job to be a parent! Everyone needs to thank and appreciate the person who raised them. Thank you to my Mom and Dad. I appreciate you more now than ever. It's the greatest joy but the toughest responsibility you will ever have. I remember the late night bottle feedings, the round the clock crazy schedules, no sleep, complete exhaustion, and later on, waking up at 6am every morning to drive over to my brother’s house to watch my nephew while he and his wife went back to work. Anyone who knows me knows I am NOT a morning person so it was a struggle. But family is everything to me and it had to be done. I would literally roll out of bed half asleep, throw on some sweats and a shirt and put my Yankees Hat on and walk out the door. Christian got so use to seeing the Hat on my head that he would look at me funny if it was ever off. He loves the Yankees by the way. We start ‘em young in the Varga family. We're hoping he will wear the pinstripe uniform one day and who knows, maybe even be the next Derek Jeter.

Moving on to the spring of 2014. Life got really busy for me in my career. I was working on set a lot. There wasn't a day that my Yankees Hat was left behind. I was hosting, modeling, created my own sports show, and even landed a starring role in a pilot for a TV series. I was constantly working on Beyond The Offseason and had some great athletes and guests who inspired and motivated me to keep building the series.
I want to thank every Athlete who was a part of the project and I especially want to thank a young boy and his family for sharing his story. This special person is thirteen year old Liam Traynor. Liam was featured in one of the episodes and had quite an impact on my life and everyone who watched.
So far it’s been a great ride with Beyond The Offseason and 2015 should be even more exciting. We're working on some new features with athletes who have stories that will touch your heart. At the moment, I put the project on the shelf until after the New Year because there was too much going on and I wanted to dedicate quality time to family for the holidays. But in 2015 we are back in action with more great stories. You can visit our website to watch episodes and learn more about Beyond The Offseason at
In 2014 I had the honor and privilege of going to my first Yankees game at the new Yankee Stadium. It was glorious! I went to a lot of Yankees games in the past at the original stadium, but this was my first time in their new home. It was a night to remember and the Yankees had an epic win to top it off. I also got to see Derek Jeter play one of his last games as a Yankee so it's a memory that will last a lifetime.
In the summer of 2014, I was doing some promos for my skincare product in Boston and not only did I wear my Yankees Hat with pride around town without getting beat up, I even made some new friends. The Hat and I made an appearance at Mark Wahlberg’s restaurant, Wahlburgers, which was to die for by the way. It’s the best burger I’ve ever had. I must admit, I had a great time in Boston and although every Yankees fan hates the Red Sox because of the rivalry, it's a nice city with some pretty cool people.

On a not so happy note, I got a serious concussion in the summer of 2014 that changed my life and made me appreciate things a lot more. It was time to reevaluate some things and make some changes. It took me two months to recover and I got to discover who I really was and more important, who I wanted to be. It was a difficult time for me but I grew from the experience. In a strange kind of way, I’m glad it happened. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. One day I'll write a book. For those of you who know me, you know the story of my concussion and to those of you who helped me get through it, I am forever grateful. I am also happy to say I can name 5 fruits now. Inside joke. Moving on...
In the fall, the Yankees Hat was spotted on the campus of Notre Dame for quite a few tailgates. There were some good times with good friends and we had a lot of fun.
The Hat was also spotted on campus with the beautiful and talented actress, AnnaLynne McCord. She’s super cool with a heart of gold and on a mission to be a voice for those who need to be heard concerning sexual assault. Check out her work sometime. I'm proud to say I know her. Well done AnneLynne, I tip my Yankees Hat to you as well.
For Halloween 2014, the Yankees Hat and I went trick or treating with my new nephew Christian. It was his first Halloween and he was adorable. It was so cold it actually snowed that day, but this little cutie warmed my heart and his first Halloween was a big success.
Thanksgiving was great and Christmas was great. My entire family was together and it was the most fun I've had in years. We laughed, we cried and we reminisced about old times when we were growing up. It also made me realize that no matter what happens in my life, no matter how many mistakes I make, no matter how much money I have or how successful I am, my family loves me for me and not for the material things I have to offer. They will always be there for me and it's a great feeling to know that there are people in your life who simply love you for you and don't want anything in return.
New Year's Eve is upon us and I'm keeping it simple this year. No big plans, just a look back at all the wonderful people in my life and all of the amazing things that have happened. I’ll be spending it with my family and I will also be recovering from a minor medical procedure to treat some early signs of skin cancer. Kind of scary but I’m not too worried. After everything that happened with my brother Shane, nothing phases me. However, I’m not taking any chances. The bottom line is if you have your health, you need to be grateful. Cancer can happen to anyone and illness can happen to anyone. If you don't have your health you're in trouble. So count your blessings and be sure to stay on top of things. If you think something is wrong, have it checked out. We all have a purpose in life but we need to take care of ourselves so we can live long enough to make it happen.
Almost everything I've done over the past year has been with my family or for my family. As I'm writing this blog, I'm realizing more and more where my heart is…with family. 2015 is going to be very different for me. After the New Year, I’ll be moving. It will be the first time in 5 years that I'll be away from my family. Sure I’ve lived in LA for half of my life and had a good run in Florida and New York, but I moved back home in 2009 to be close to my family when my brother Shane found out he had cancer. I stood by his side until it was gone and after 3 years of chemo, radiation and a stem cell transplant, I'm happy to say he has a clean bill of health and is cancer free! The best decision I ever made was to move back home and it was a time I will never forget
2015 will be the year of change for me. I look forward to a new chapter in my life and I look forward to the journey. Who knows what the New Year has in store, all I can say is that I'm ready for it, so bring it on!
I have a great life and I am thankful and blessed! God has been so good to me and to my family. My brother is alive and healthy, I have a new nephew I adore, I love my career, I have great friends and I have a family that loves me. What more could anyone want.
On a sports note, Hockey was a big part of 2014 for me. I went to so many games this past year and love it not only because it's a great game, but because hockey players are the best guys around. I made some remarkable friends in 2014 and contrary to the reputation they have for being tough guys, these are some of the nicest guys you will ever meet. They are giving, kind and hold a special place in my heart. And because I’m a Yankees fan, when I chose my favorite hockey team I had to go with the New York Rangers.

Speaking of New York, it’s obvious that baseball is my other favorite sport. My love for the Yankees and baseball will always be strong. I’m loyal. I wouldn't be writing a blog about this Yankees Hat if it wasn't for my favorite team. I don't get to write that often because of my hectic schedule, but when I do, I usually have something important to say and it’s a fun place to share my experiences. This past year has been a blast. The Yankees Hat and I have seen some amazing things and been to some amazing places and met some amazing people. I’m not sure if I will continue writing a blog next year but it’s been fun. Who knows what will take place in 2015. Check back to see if the Yankees Hat makes a return.
Thank you for reading my stories and for being a part of my life in 2014. I hope you were entertained and got something out of it. Happy New Year everyone! Wishing you all a very healthy, happy and prosperous 2015. Hats off to 2014!