posted a pic on twitter last night. It's a collage of several photos taken
during a Train concert. I got to go on stage with them!!!
was my last night in Boston and I went with a fun group of people to a private
concert featuring the band Train. I really like this band. One of my favorite
songs is "Meet Virginia" and they performed it great. They were
really entertaining too and the lead singer, Pat Monahan, was awesome. They did
a lot of different things to include the audience which made it even more fun.
The lead singer was taking selfie's with audience members phones. He had random
people come up on stage and sing the song "Don't Stop Believin" by
Journey with him. And then...the highlight of my night, and probably the highlight of the whole entire trip, the lead singer asked a bunch of girls to
come up on stage and help him with a song and wanted us to dance and be sexy.
Well of course, yours truly gladly took the spotlight. It was pretty cool being
up there amongst rock stars. Truly a night to remember.
So here's
the best part...aka the worst part...before I took the stage, I handed my phone
to one of the guys who was in our group and said "here, you gotta take
some good pictures of me while I'm up there." We were front and center,
about ten feet from the stage, so I thought wow, I'm gonna get some really
awesome pics...WRONG!
Not only did he erase one of the videos I took of the band singing my favorite song "Meet Virginia" but about 90% of every photo he took was blurry, terrible, or he missed getting me in the shot completely. I mean come on! Lol. How often do you get to go up on stage with a rock band and be a part of the show. Needless to say, I was really bummed and will never trust a highly intoxicated person with my phone again. But not as bummed as realizing I didn't have my Yankees hat on to add street cred to this fabulous blog.
Not only did he erase one of the videos I took of the band singing my favorite song "Meet Virginia" but about 90% of every photo he took was blurry, terrible, or he missed getting me in the shot completely. I mean come on! Lol. How often do you get to go up on stage with a rock band and be a part of the show. Needless to say, I was really bummed and will never trust a highly intoxicated person with my phone again. But not as bummed as realizing I didn't have my Yankees hat on to add street cred to this fabulous blog.
that pretty much wraps up my Boston trip. I actually had a lot of fun and the four
day experience was very memorable. And although Red Sox fans everywhere will
always hate Yankees fans, I gotta say... The people of Boston were very good to
me and the town grew on me. Not the team, I said the town.
the quote of the day is... "The meaning of life is to give life a
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Follow Beyond the Offseason on Twitter: @theOffseason1
Learn more about Lisa Varga at LisaVarga.com
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